The Challenge

Reliable power supply for remote mining camp.

Telfer’s mining camp faced the challenge of sourcing reliable power to operate the mining camp and provide emergency power for essential and critical equipment. The power source needed to be built to operate and last in its extremely hot and dusty environment.


  • 6x 150kVA

    Three phase Denyo Generators

  • 1x 4000L

    Self bunded fuel tank

  • 3x Relocatable Skids

    Installed by Blue Diamond Machinery

The Solution

Six Denyo-powered diesel generators built to be mounted on easily relocatable skids housing 3 x 150kVA generators and a self bunded 4,000L fuel tank.

Blue Diamond supplied 6 Denyo DCA-150ESK three phase generators to output near extremely quiet power built with high-strength materials. Ensuring noise output didn’t disrupt the camp, Denyo’s generators include a noise-minimising enclosure lined with special vibration-absorbing polymer material to reduce vibration. Blue Diamond Machinery set up each generator to run parallel to successfully run the mining camp, withstanding remote WA’s harsh conditions.

The Outcome

Reliable Power and Emergency Power for Ongoing Operation of Telfer's Mine Camp.

The installation of the generators ensured the successful running of Telfer’s mine camp with robust, efficient power for an ongoing operation.

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